
DJTanmayKalna.blogspot.com is a Website 🌍 Whare you can Download Latest Bollywood, Bengali, Odia, Marathi, Bhojhpuri & More DJ Remix Songs. For More Latest Updates you can follow DJ Tanmay Kalna Official Social platforms. 

Music Variety


The mixes you hear on this site are the tracks you could hear at your next event.
Other mixes could include but are not limited to Dance Mix, Hard Bass, Top 40 hits, R and B, Pop, Country, and Gospel.
You request and we will provide!


The music you hear on this website is for entertainment purposes only. We DO NOT own rights to any of this material. The media files posted here were created for experimentation and entertainment reasons only, not profit. We are not the authors or owners of the copyrights of the musical tracks. If you like the mixes, support the artists and go and buy the originals. Representatives of either the artist or publishing company can contact us, and we will remove the requested songs from the site. If representatives of either the artist or publishing company have concerns, please contact us.

                                 🙏  Thank You